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Bonding with Baby

Bonding with BabyTo develop trust and empathy from the beginning with your baby, tune in to what your baby is communicating. Babies need empathetic support to help them learn to regulate their emotions. Respond sensitively and supportively to a child expressing emotion.

Eye Contact
Newborn babies see best about a foot away from their bodies, what we call breastfeeding distance. They will look at a human face for hours, particularly the eyes. We all know what our eyes can convey without words. The same is true for bonding with your baby. You can also use facial expressions as a means of bonding with your baby. Touch
Your skin is the largest organ on your body. In the beginning body contact is an important source of heat. Your baby will warm fastest skin to skin with anyone, with something covering them. This can start at birth. After birth the daily care of a newborn often involves touch. Use these opportunities to extend this feeling to your baby. Think about trying infant massage classes. Sounds
Did you know that your baby would rather hear your voice than the "music" in many of the toys available. Often times we think our voices aren't good enough to sing lullabies, but your baby only hears your love and affection.
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