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Newborn Reflux

Newborn Reflux Newborn reflux is not only messy, it can be downright dangerous for infants. Newborn reflux can lead to disjointed and poor sleep, sleep apnea, breathing problems and other conditions.


Newborn reflux can contribute to other medical conditions, making it important to keep an eye on your baby's acid reflux triggers and minimizing them when possible.

Dangers of Newborn Reflux: Sleep Disturbances

Acid reflux can be worse at night for babies who suffer from the condition. Reflux itself is recognized as contributing to sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is when a baby stops breathing momentarily, disrupting baby's sleep The same thing can happen to adults, but for babies it can cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

During the first three months of life acid reflux is the most common for babies, and during the first year of life the danger of SIDS is the highest, particularly during the first six months of a baby's life. This makes it imperative that parents of babies who suffer from acid reflux take precautions against acid reflux as soon as the condition is recognized.

Bouts of acid reflux during the hours where baby should otherwise be sleeping or napping can keep baby from having a good night's rest. When baby is waking up due to the acid reflux, her sleep will be interrupted and she will be fussier. This can lead to irregular sleep patterns, now and later.

Dangers of Newborn Reflux: Breathing Problems

Newborn reflux can also lead to other breathing conditions. Newborns and babies may be more prone to chest infections, according to Dr. Sears. Babies may also be prone to wheezing. The wheezing may or not be a condition of asthma. According to Infant Reflux Disease, 25 percent of people with asthma also have Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Weight Loss

For newborns who have acid reflux, they may be expelling too much food through spitting up, up to an hour after they've eaten. When a newborn's acid reflux is contributing to a baby losing weight, or baby not gaining weight, it's important to call the pediatrician. If home remedies have not helped alleviate the acid reflux symptoms, the pediatrician may prescribe medication to help the baby until he outgrows his acid reflux.

Trouble with Eating

For some newborns the simple and basics task of swallowing may be difficult. For newborns who seem to choke on breastmilk or formula, be sure that she is not getting too much at once. A nipple with a smaller hole may work better for bottle feeding and a nipple shield could help control the flow of milk for breastfeeding newborns.


American Sleep Apnea Association,
Ask Dr. Sears,
Infant Reflux Disease,

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