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When you don't feel so well

Nausea and Vomiting Nausea and Vomiting

Many pregnant women feel sick from time to time. It often happens in the first few months of pregnancy. It may be the changes in your hormone levels that cause you to feel sick.

Try these ideas to help you feel better:
1) Eat several small meals each day rather than three large meals. Try not to skip meals, though. You will feel worse if your stomach is empty.
2) Try eating crackers, bread or dry cereal before getting out of bed in the morning.
3) Get out of bed slowly in the morning.
4) Have a snack before bedtime.
5) Drink fluids before or after meals, not with meals.
6) Stay away from coffee, fatty foods and foods with strong smells or tastes.
7) Talk to your health care professional if you cannot stop vomiting, or if you feel too sick to eat at all.
In the second half of pregnancy, many women get heartburn. Heartburn happens because of hormone changes and the pressure of the baby against your stomach. This can cause stomach acid to move up to your throat, causing a burning feeling. Remember! Heartburn is common when you are pregnant.
Here is some relief:
1) Eat several small meals each day, and not three large meals.
2) After eating, wait at least one to two hours before sleeping.
3) When you lie down, raise your head and shoulders with a pillow.
4) Drink fluids before or after meals, not with meals.
5) Choose lower fat foods.
6) Stay away from coffee, colas, alcohol and smoking.
If your heartburn does not go away, talk to your health care professional before you take antacids.
Food passes through your body more slowly when you are pregnant. This helps you absorb the extra nutrients you and your baby need. But, it can also cause constipation.
To prevent constipation eat foods that are high in fibre and to drink more fluids. Being physically active is also important.
Try these ideas to help you feel better:
1) Start the day with a whole grain cereal.
2) Choose whole grain breads, brown rice and whole wheat pasta.
3) Eat beans and lentils more often.
5) Drink more fluids. Choose water, milk and 100% fruit or vegetable juice. Warm or hot fluids may help.
Before you take laxatives, talk to your health care professional. Some laxatives are not safe to take when you are pregnant.
Gestational Diabetes
Some women develop diabetes when they are pregnant. Diabetes means blood sugar levels are too high. Some of the signs of high blood sugar are feeling thirsty, urinating often, weight loss and feeling tired. Often you will not notice any signs.
High blood sugar can harm you and your baby. If you have any risk factors, your health care professional will test for diabetes when you are about 24 to 28 weeks pregnant. Ask your health care professional if you should have this test.
You have a greater chance of developing gestational diabetes:
1) If you are overweight.
2) If you have a family history of diabetes.
3) If you are of Aboriginal, Asian, Hispanic or African descent.
4) If you have had a baby over 4.5 kg (9 pounds).
5) If you have gained a lot of weight while you are pregnant.
If you develop gestational diabetes, ask your health care professional to refer you to a registered dietitian. Changing what and how you eat can lower your blood sugar levels. Gestational diabetes almost always goes away after you have your baby. However, you will be at a higher risk of developing diabetes later in your life.

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