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Safety And Allergies

Safety And AllergiesHow do I keep baby's food safe?

You must serve freshly made baby food or an opened jar of store-bought baby food right away. You can also store it in a covered container in the fridge for two or three days. You can store baby food in a fridge freezer for two months or a deep freezer for six months. Make sure the safety seal on the jar of store-bought baby food is not broken. Listen for a popping sound when you open a jar of baby food.

Check the "best before" date on store-bought baby food. Do not feed your baby directly from the jar or container of baby food unless you're giving your baby the whole amount. Put the food for your baby into a bowl. Throw out any food that has come in contact with your baby's saliva.

How do I keep my baby safe?

Babies can choke easily. Always stay with your baby while she is eating. Stop feeding if your baby is crying or laughing. Do not feed your baby in a moving car.

Do not give your baby foods that are hard, small, and round like nuts, popcorn, whole grapes, or hard vegetables.

Do not give your baby smooth and sticky foods, such as peanut butter on its own.

Do not give your baby honey or any food made with honey for the first year. It can cause botulism (food poisoning).

Swordfish, shark, fresh or frozen tuna steak, canned albacore tuna, marlin, orange roughy and escolar are often high in mercury. Do not give your baby these fish more than once a month.

What should I know about allergies?

Your baby is more likely to have an allergy if one or both parents or brothers or sisters have allergies, asthma or eczema. If there is a family history of allergies, speak to your health care provider. You may need to wait to start some foods until your baby is older.

If there is no history of food allergies, there is no reason to delay introducing foods except for egg whites. Wait until your baby is one year old before giving egg whites.

Watch for allergic reactions when you offer new foods.

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