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7 Tips for Safe & Healthy Air Travel While Pregnant

Tips for Safe Healthy Air Travel While Pregnantby Colette Bouchez

Air travel during pregnancy is never easy - particularly during these tense times. From managing airport security to balancing those carry-on bags AND your growing tummy, to the crowds, the smells, even the temperature, all can turn even a much-anticipated vacation into a "Gilligan's Island" nightmare! But pregnant travel can be easy and fun - if you just use a little forethought and some careful planning. Doing so, can make air travel for business or pleasure easier and more pleasant - not to mention safer and better for you and your baby. Here are some tips to make it all "fly by" without a hitch!
1. Most airlines have some restrictions about pregnancy, particularly when flying in the third trimester. Some even have rules that pertain to the second trimester, and many airlines require a doctor's letter of permission signed no more than 48 hours before you plan to travel. Since ticket agents aren't likely to mention this, knowing your airlines policy on pregnant...
Read more... [7 Tips for Safe & Healthy Air Travel While Pregnant]

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