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Safety And Allergies

Safety And AllergiesHow do I keep baby's food safe?

You must serve freshly made baby food or an opened jar of store-bought baby food right away. You can also store it in a covered container in the fridge for two or three days. You can store baby food in a fridge freezer for two months or a deep freezer for six months. Make sure the safety seal on the jar of store-bought baby food is not broken. Listen for a popping sound when you open a jar of baby food.

Check the "best before" date on store-bought baby food. Do not feed your baby directly from the jar or container of baby food unless you're giving your baby the whole amount. Put the food for your baby into a bowl. Throw out any food that has come in contact with your baby's saliva.

How do I keep my baby safe?

Babies can choke easily. Always stay with your baby while she is eating. Stop feeding if your baby is crying or laughing. Do not feed your baby in a moving car.

Do not give your baby foods that are hard, small, and round like nuts, popcorn...
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Dog and Baby Safety

Dog and Baby SafetyThere's nothing as exciting as preparing for the birth of a baby. While you're planning the color of the nursery and picking out items for your baby registry, don't overlook one very important step in getting ready for your new baby - preparing the family dog.
When to Start Preparing the Dog
If you're wondering when the best time is to start preparing your dog for the new baby, the answer is simple - now! Don't wait until you're 9 months pregnant or until the baby arrives to get your dog used to the idea of having a baby in the house. Start getting him ready now. The more time you have before the baby arrives, the more likely it is your dog will be comfortable with the changes that are about to take place in your home.
Getting a Dog Ready for a New Baby
There are several things you can do to help prepare a dog for the new addition to the family. The following tips can help take some of the stress out of bringing home your new baby:
Obedience Training
One of the first steps you should...
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How to give your baby a bath

Bathing newbornsOriginally published in Today's Parent May 2011

Donna Connely has bathed hundreds of babies — and answered almost as many questions — as a nurse and clinical leader of develop­ment in the family newborn unit of IWK Hospital in Halifax. Here, she answers the most common concerns:

My newborn hates being bathed. What can I do to make it easier?

A sponge bath is just fine. Start with her swaddled in a blanket and wash her face and hair. Use plain water on her face, and a clean corner of a baby face­cloth to wipe from inside to outside of each eye. Holding the baby like a foot­ball, with your hand supporting her head and neck, wet her scalp. Use a tiny drop of shampoo to lather her hair. Rinse well and pat dry.

Now lay your baby down on a com­fortable surface and unwrap her body. Wash her torso and back, her legs and feet, and finally her bottom. A girl's genital area should be wiped from front to back. Wipe around a boy's penis, but do not attempt to retract the fore­skin...
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