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Feed with Love

Breastfeeding is the optimal way to satisfy a baby's nutritional and emotional needs. "Bottle Nursing" adapts breastfeeding behaviours to bottle-feeding to help initiate a secure attachment. Encourage any child to eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full.


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Making Homemade Baby Food

Making Homemade Baby FoodIt is easy to make your own baby food. You can use the same healthy foods that you feed your family. Homemade baby food is healthy for your baby. It also: saves you money; lets your baby try a greater variety of foods; helps your baby get used to different textures and tastes; and lets your baby eat the same foods as your family.

How do I make my own baby food?

To make baby food you need:

• a food blender;

• baby food mill (grinder)

• a wire sieve and a clean spoon or a potato masher or fork

Wash your hands before you prepare food. Use clean utensils and cookware. Plain foods help baby learn about flavours. You don't need to add sugar, salt, margarine, or butter. The following table outlines how to prepare different types of foods:           FOODS                                                  HOW...
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Help Your Baby Be a Healthy Eater

Help Your Baby Be a Healthy EaterBring your baby to the table to join in at family mealtimes. Babies learn by watching others. Keep mealtimes pleasant. It is best if there are no toys or television to distract your baby. Talk to your baby quietly and encourage him while he is eating. Do not pressure your baby to eat. This can make him refuse food even more and may lead to feeding problems.
Always stay with your baby when he eats. Let your baby explore his food with his hands. Let your baby feed himself with his fingers or a spoon when he is able. Let your baby decide how much to eat. Never pressure your baby to eat more than he wants. Do not restrict the amount you give her to eat when she seems hungry. It is normal for babies to eat different amounts of food each day.
It is alright if your baby refuses a meal or two. Be patient with new foods. You may need to try new foods many times on different days. Do not use games to get your baby to eat. Never force food into your baby's mouth. Never use food as a reward or a...
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What To Feed Your Baby From 6 To 9 Months

What To Feed Your Baby From Six To Nine MonthsYour baby needs iron for good health. Continue to breastfeed and provide the extra iron that your baby needs by offering her the iron-rich foods. Feed your baby at regular times. Include her at family mealtimes. Talk to her gently. Start your baby on pureed foods. Next, move to lumpy, mashed foods. As your baby becomes better at eating, give her finely chopped foods. Changing texture is important to help your baby learn to chew. Babies who stay on pureed foods too long may be less willing to eat textured foods.

What types of infant cereal should I feed my baby?

Start with an iron-fortified, single grain infant cereal, such as rice. Gradually try other single grain cereals, such as oats, barley, and wheat. Use mixed grain cereals only after your baby has tried each of the single grain cereals. Mix the dry cereal with breast milk. At first make the cereal thin. As your baby becomes better at eating, add less breast milk to make the cereal thicker. Choose plain infant cereals...
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Starting Solid Foods at Six Months

Starting Solid Foods at Six MonthsSince birth, your baby has been growing on breast milk. At six months old, breast milk is still the most important food but the time has come to add solid foods. Extra iron is needed at six months. Solid foods provide a variety of nutrients, flavours, and textures for your baby.
How do I tell if my baby is ready for solids?

Your baby is ready to start eating solids when she:
- is six months old;
- holds her head up;
- sits up in a high chair;
- opens her mouth wide when you offer food on a spoon;
- turns her face away if she doesn't want the food;
- closes her lips over the spoon;
- keeps food in her mouth and swallows it instead of pushing it out.

Make sure your baby shows all of these signs of readiness before you start solid foods.
At first your baby may not accept new foods. If she shows you that she does not like the food by closing her mouth or turning her head away, stop feeding her that food. Try it again another day. Keep feeding time pleasant. If your baby feels...
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When to start solid foods: Six months

Growth SpurtsWhen your baby is six months old he is ready for solid foods. Your baby does not need teeth to start eating solid food. Starting solid foods too early or too late can cause problems.
IF YOU: Start your baby on solid foods too early.
YOUR BABY MAY: Breastfeed less often causing you to make less breast milk. Stop breastfeeding too early. Not get all the benefits of breast milk such as protection from illness and allergies. Have lower iron levels. Have a diet low in protein, fat, and other important nutrients.
IF YOU: Start your baby on solid foods too late.           
YOUR BABY MAY: Be slow to accept solid foods Have a hard time chewing food. Not get all the vitamins and minerals he needs, such as iron and vitamin A.
Growth spurts are common at about: three weeks, six weeks and three months. Your baby may want extra breast milk at these times.
-This is not a sign that your baby needs solid foods!
-It is too early to introduce...
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Baby’s First Food

Baby’s First FoodFor the first six months of life breast milk is the only food that your baby needs to grow and be healthy. Breastfeeding is the normal way to feed babies.
If you give your baby any other food, including infant formula, you will make less breast milk. If you stop breastfeeding, it can be hard to start breastfeeding again. Your baby will not get all of the benefits of breastfeeding.
- Breastfeeding is healthy, natural, convenient, and free. It is a good way to bond with your baby.
- Breast milk protects your baby from colds, infections, and allergies. Infant formula does not protect babies in the same way.
- Mothers who breastfeed have less risk of breast cancer, and ovarian cancer.
If you are breastfeeding, give your baby 10 micrograms (400 IU) of vitamin D each day. Continue until your baby is one year old and eating foods that have vitamin D. In Canada, the sun is not strong enough throughout the year for mothers and babies to make the vitamin D they need through their skin. Also...
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Acid Reflux Symptoms in Newborns

Acid Reflux Symptoms in NewbornsThere are many factors why newborn babies get a reflux. However, most of the causative factors tend to be aggravated by the fact that newborn’s digestive system is not yet accustomed to milk and they usually spend most of their time lying on their back. Acid reflux causes the acids from your baby’s stomach to regurgitate back into his esophagus.

Some common symptoms of acid reflux in newborns would include; irritation while feeding, spitting up and vomiting frequently. Constant crying, wet burps, frequent coughing and hiccups, disturbed sleep and bad breath are some of the other symptoms of the condition. Another one of the symptoms of acid reflex in newborns is that Sometimes a baby will arch its back and pull up its legs while feeding.

It takes months for a baby to outgrow the symptoms of reflux. While you’re baby is only a week older or so, you have to take important precautions.It would be wise to use a few simple tips to get rid of this problem. It’s as easy as ABC...
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Breastfeeding Tips

Breastfeeding Tips Breastfeeding can be confusing the first time a new mother attempts it. Although it is one of the most natural things in the world and many mothers feel like they should be born knowing how to effectively nurse a child at the breast, it can be hard to know exactly what to do or how to do it. Here are some essential breastfeeding tips to discuss with your doctor or midwife.

Put the baby to the breast as early as possible - It is good to have your first breastfeeding session within an hour after giving birth, if possible. This is the time that the baby is alert after the activity and work of being born and the sucking instinct is strong. You will not be producing milk this early but your...
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